Monday, January 31, 2011

I May Have Found Employment in Hawaii!

Remember when I was almost employed in Spain? Ok, well not so much employed but working at Maria's pizza place in exchange for lessons in Andalus (and a little Romanian)?
Well, the other night we were invited to Miho's (that's her in the center) parent's house for a going away party for Alex. As a token of affection, or tradition for a send off (since reading my other blog posts Makoto has asked for editing I may have to change this...) Miho wanted to take a lei for Alex. Since we were running behind, all of us got involved with the making of his lei...Makoto, Miho and myself on the floor twisting and spinning ti leaves into roping which in turn is formed into the lei....and Christopher ironing the leaves to soften them up...a labor of love lei for Alex!
Let me tell you...with my years of fiber arts behind me, I was able to twist double the amount of roping that the pros Miho and Makoto did. As soon as word gets out, I may have a yob!

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