Friday, January 21, 2011

Travels North

So today, with brother Makoto and his friends Alex and Ira, we made a day trip north through Waimea-the valley of the cowboys, to Hawi and we circled back to Kona with a number of stops along the way.
I'm hoping to get back and poke around in Waimea before we leave as the place is spectacularly gorgeous!..I'll let you know how we make out with that....

Our first stop was Mahukona Beach park which is really not a beach at all but rather an abandoned harbor once used by a local sugar company.
The ocean was still reeling from the storm of a couple of days ago and the surf was up!
This photo of Christopher shows one of many waves that hit the sea wall with such force that it shot spray up through cracks in the concrete of the dock (notice the little blowhole-like fountains in the concrete in front of Christopher).
The guys couldn't resist getting wet.....

After lunch in Hawi, the largest (population 938!) and northern most town on the island, we headed for a hike down the zig-zag paths of the vegetated cliff face of the Pololu Valley. The valley is the most north and west of an inaccessible chain of valleys, with the black sand Pololu Beach at the mouth of the valley. As we arrived at the trail head at the dead end of the state highway, the rains started coming in. With the farthest point of the valley barely visible due to heavier rain in that direction, and the fact that we really didn't have the best shoes for a muddy hike down a cliff face, we abandoned the hike. The area is really beautiful so we hope to make it back before our time is up.

After out failed attempt there, we hopped back in the car and tried finding an ancient heiau (temple) at the northern most point of the island but had to abandon that trek as well since we were in a Honda that couldn't take much more of the off-roading that were subjecting it to.
We're hopping to get back up there this permitting.

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