Wednesday, January 19, 2011


After 22 hours of travel, last minute switches by the airline-which included having to sit in the center seat for most of the journey (hateful!) and a lost bag for the first 24 hours, we're happy to report we're alive and well. From what we hear of the weather back home we got out just in time.
The weather here, on the other hand, is a steady 80 degrees every day with upper 60's at night. Our first day here held up to that standard and I did manage to get a titch of a burn on one side of my neck..I guess I should have chosen to walk in the opposite direction a bit sooner! Today, however, is very reminiscent of our time in Spain last year..remember those promises of Andalusian winters in the 60's and all we got was rain? Well, last night we had some torrential rains which are continuing at this very minute (10 hours later) with no end in sight! Temps are way below normal in a house that has an entire side that's open..with no windows, only screens. It's chillier then the south pacific should be...thank you global warming.

For the next month we'll be in the state of Hawai'i on the island of Hawai'i also known as "the big island"; staying in the town of Kona AKA Kailua-Kona-but only because there are Kailuas on two of the other islands and the USPS needed to distinguished this one from the rest. This is the "kona" side of the island, "kona" being the term used for the less common wind that comes from this direction.

I'm not sure how much I'll keep up with this blog but as things of note cross our paths I'll do my best to fill you in. more soon.....

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