Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our first full day...

....consisted of poor Christopher working for the better part of the day....and me getting to know the area a little (eventually with Christopher as guide).

I took a five mile walk on the Old Walua Road, parts of which are open only to pedestrians and bicycles. Other parts of the road are just a bit wider then one lane and it yields many driveways. The Pacific Ocean is off to the left of this photo...not as lush and green as you thought it was going to be, eh?

I was witness to what a tropical climate can do to plants....

I have no idea what plant this is but I'm thinking it's in the bromiliad family.That flower stalk was probably 8 feet long!

.... poinsettias larger then a Beemer!

We went into the old part of Kailua Town (AKA Kona) where we got a glimpse of the town from the pier...

The building to the left, with the double-decker porch, is Hulihe`e Palace, once summer home to Hawai'ian royalty. The long, low roofed building at the right is the Kona Inn; Christopher tells me it's the most civilized place for a mai-tai while watching the sun set over the Pacific.

We were also able to enjoy a "Shave Ice" (god only knows why the locals don't use the "d" on the end of that word...) on the sea (ocean?)wall...

Get this! There are two avocado trees just off the back deck, both almost three stories tall! One has just about finished it's offering of the season and the other is just starting to bloom. The avocados are larger then grapefruits and there are hundreds of them....

AND! while eating breakfast at the Kona Country Club we saw a whale breech the water. It was so far in the distance that a photo would not have worked. With any luck and before this trip is over we'll get to see something like it up close .....

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